i know i haven't blogged for awhile...things have been crazy!! with work and relationships...who has time for anything anymore!!! today i am full of joy and relief. full of gratitude and thankfulness for the trials and tribulations in my life and the people who truly have saved me from myself. The past couple of months i've had to deal with many hardships, many things i didn't think i had the ability to overcome. There are a small handfull of people who i owe my everything to. Who i have to thank for my very being. And i know these people know who you are. A little bit ago i hit my lowest low. I didn't know myself anymore. I lost who i was. I was so caught up in being in love with someone who only shared the same feelings some of the time and being so hurt and crused by every little thing it was hurting me and dragging down. This person, this person who i thought was my everything pushed me away, pushed me away so far...i cracked. But it's for this person that i thank from the bottom of my heart for doing so because it opened a whole new world for me. Out of this hole...there were 3 amazing people i met that made me feel like no other. That let me see that i could be happy, that there were other people out there so willing to love and care for me freely...rather than when it was convienent for them. They showed me that i was okay by myself, that i didn't need to be attached to someone so much to be happy, that i was an amazing person by myself. They taught me to let go, and that it was okay to let go. I am relieved and a huge burden has been lifted off of me. I am okay. i will be okay. Its unfortunate that i had to go through hell and back to finally get to this point in my life...but i wouldn't trade it for anything. I learned an amazing lesson and i've finally found myself again. I've found my confidence and love for life. These people may never know how much they mean to me and how very thankful i am that they had the patience and love to give to me to show me life again. I love you guys from the depths of my heart. Thank you for loving me, for showing me who i am. For bringing me back to life<3
6 years ago